Archive for the “Mike Knezovich” Category

Mondays with Mike: Everyday miracle

March 17, 201413 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, blindness, guest blog, Mike Knezovich, parenting a child with special needs, Uncategorized

This week brought some good news in the Finke extended family: Ella, who had been born to Beth’s niece Stacey and her husband Ryan prematurely, came home after a stay in neonatal intensive care. In this day and age, one can say, “No big deal.” After all, preemies are common, we have folks scheduling births […]

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Mondays with Mike: Reform this!

March 3, 201416 CommentsPosted in guest blog, Mike Knezovich, Uncategorized

Warning: This endless winter has me cranky. And I’m particularly cranky lately about the drumbeat of BS about education “reform.” And it is BS. Whether it’s Michelle Rhee and Students First, or what’s her name and Teach for America, charter schools  (which in Chicago is just another avenue for political corruption), vouchers, school choice, selective admissions, […]

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Mondays with Mike: Some things get better

February 24, 201414 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, guest blog, Mike Knezovich, Uncategorized

This past weekend—a very full one—included a trip to Elmhurst College to root on the North Central College women’s basketball team (the Cardinals) against the evil Elmhurst College Blue Jays. OK, Elmhurst College isn’t evil. And really, we were there more specifically to root on Beth’s great niece, who, as a freshman, gets significant playing […]

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