Archive for the “Mondays with Mike” Category

Mondays with Mike: The seven-year itch

June 10, 201932 CommentsPosted in blindness, guide dogs, Mike Knezovich, Mondays with Mike, Seeing Eye dogs, travel

It seems like only yesterday: Beth’s Seeing Eye dog Harper saved them both from being run over at an intersection a couple blocks from home. Harper yanked Beth out of harm’s way—so hard that she fell to the pavement and that the sturdy metal harness snapped. It was a harrowing experience, but afterward Beth and Harper […]

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Mondays with Mike: Caution–baseball geekery below

June 3, 2019CommentsPosted in baseball, Mike Knezovich, Mondays with Mike

There’s a lot of construction going on around our neighborhood, and most of it I’d be happy to do without. Apart from the noise (pile driving, anyone?), the end products are indistinct glassy vertical slab apartment buildings. But, our little stretch of Dearborn remains unchanged, Sandmeyer’s Book Store is still here, we can still walk […]

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Mondays with Mike: Here’s to a new normal

May 20, 20196 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, Mike Knezovich, Mondays with Mike

 Just another conversation at the CCAC. This morning, Beth attended the inauguration of new Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot. To register for the event, she used an online form that was very intentionally and seamlessly accessible to her computer’s screen reading software. In advance of the event, Beth and everyone with disabilities planning to attend […]

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