Archive for the “politics” Category

Name a song from your teenage years that sticks with you

March 14, 20187 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, politics, writing prompts

I’m piggybacking on the Mondays with Mike post about civics this week with an essay written by Mel Washburn. Mel is a writer in one of the memoir-writing classes I lead for The Village Chicago, and the essay he came up with for the prompt, “A Song from Your Teenage Years That Sticks With You” […]

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Mondays with Mike: Bring back civics! (And I don’t mean Hondas.)

March 12, 20182 CommentsPosted in Mike Knezovich, Mondays with Mike, politics, Uncategorized

A couple updates on last week’s post: First, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign graduate students (members of the Graduate Employees Organization) stayed on strike long enough to end up getting what looks to be a fair deal for themselves. Hats off to them and their supporters, which included their undergraduate students and their counterparts up […]

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