Archive for the “public speaking” Category

We were hot at Printers Row Lit Fest

June 15, 201712 CommentsPosted in book tour, careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, public speaking, writing

I assured the standing-room-only crowd at our Getting Your Memoir Off the Ground session at Printers Row Lit Fest Sunday morning that their wait for 95-year-old panelist Wanda Bridgeforth would be worth it. “Funny thing was, Wanda Jr. was waiting for me upstairs,” Wanda told me later. “And I was waiting for her downstairs!” My […]

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Two opportunities this weekend to meet memoir-writers you know from Writing Out Loud

June 7, 2017CommentsPosted in book tour, careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, public speaking, writing

Those of you who have read Writing Out Loud know that essays by the writers in the memoir classes I lead are sprinkled throughout the book. This week you have a couple of opportunities to meet some of those writers in person: Bruce and Anne Hunt (Writing Out Loud readers will know them from Ch. […]

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The right dog at the right time

April 21, 201713 CommentsPosted in blindness, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guide dogs, public speaking, Seeing Eye dogs, travel, visiting schools

Just got back from Champaign, Illinois — I gave a presentation to an Animal Sciences class at the University of Illinois yesterday. I speak to this class once a semester, and this time I spent a fair amount of the hour going over some of the qualifications necessary to become a guide dog instructor. Most […]

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The Hanni hop

November 30, 201616 CommentsPosted in blindness, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guide dogs, public speaking, radio, travel, Uncategorized, visiting schools

My Seeing Eye dog Whitney and I took an Amtrak train to Central Illinois Monday to give a presentation to an animal sciences class at the University of Illinois. While there in Urbana, we looked in on retired Seeing Eye dog Hanni. Her human companions Nancy and Steven report The 16-year-old star of Hanni and […]

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Watching the presidential debates with Jane Goodall

September 25, 20168 CommentsPosted in blindness, Mike Knezovich, politics, public speaking, Uncategorized

Journalist James Fallows has a piece in the current issue of Atlantic Monthly suggesting that Americans watch tomorrow’s presidential debate with the sound off. Ah, that I could! In his article, Fallows argues that the things that really matter in political debates these days are all visual. He predicts that the upcoming presidential debates will […]

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