Pops rocks
June 15, 2014 • 11 Comments • Posted in Beth Finke, blindness, memoir writing, public speaking, Uncategorized, writingA writer in one of the memoir classes I lead will be on stage reading a piece at Goodman Theatre in Chicago.
A writer in one of the memoir classes I lead will be on stage reading a piece at Goodman Theatre in Chicago.
Remember my post a few weeks ago about heading to Champaign to give a talk to an animal sciences class at the University of Illinois? My friend Nancy Beskin generously agreed to come along with my Seeing Eye dog Whitney and me on the train, and her guest post today describes what our trip was […]
A woman who teaches two-year-olds who have visual impairments had me sign a few copies of my memoir, Long Time, No See for her at the Vision Forward conference I spoke at last fall. When I was signing her books I had no idea she’d been diagnosed with an eye disease called retinitis pigmentosa when […]
Whitney and I are back from the Association of Writers and Writing Programs conference in Seattle just in time to prepare for a presentation at a library in the Chicago suburbs tomorrow. A description in this week’s Lake Zurich Courier tells me not to plan on saying much! GUIDING PRINCIPLES Children and adults are invited […]
Just got word that my friend Lindy Bergman died. Lindy was a well-known art collector who found a way to continue living and loving her life after losing her sight. She was very smart and extremely charming, but you know what I liked best about Lindy? Her surprisingly wicked sense of humor. The frigid weather, […]