Archive for the “public speaking” Category


March 9, 201915 CommentsPosted in blindness, book tour, public speaking

One of the teenage girls who waited in line for me to sign her book yesterday afternoon had a voice like a young Viola Davis. “You are a POWerful person,” she told me, stressing the “pow”in powerful. Just in case I didn’t hear her, she said it again. “You must be a POWerful person,“ she […]

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Next thing you know I’ll be running for mayor

March 6, 201929 CommentsPosted in memoir writing, politics, public speaking, teaching memoir, writing

Every year the Cliff Dwellers (a private arts club in Chicago) invites girls from nearby public high schools and their teachers to join them for a special lunch to celebrate International Women’s Day. Last year the keynote speaker for the event was Toni Preckwinkle, one of the two African American women in the upcoming run-off […]

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Pick of the Litter: The Sequel

November 28, 20186 CommentsPosted in blindness, Blogroll, guide dogs, Mike Knezovich, Mondays with Mike, public speaking, Seeing Eye dogs, travel, visiting schools

Just got back last night from Champaign-Urbana, Illinois — Mike drove Whitney and me down there so I could give a presentation to a lecture hall of 400+undergraduates enrolled in an Animal Sciences class at the University of Illinois. Inspired by the Pick of the Litter documentary Mike posted about on Monday, I spent a […]

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Helping Kids Think Outside the Lines

October 18, 20183 CommentsPosted in blindness, guest blog, parenting a child with special needs, public speaking, questions kids ask, Seeing Eye dogs, travel, visiting schools, Writing for Children

This morning my Seeing Eye dog Whitney and I take off for Union Station to head to the Chicago suburbs. It’s Disability Awareness Week at Wilmot Elementary School in Deerfield, and we’re slated to give a presentation to eight- and nine-year-olds. The third graders are studying Helen Keller, and you can bet I’ll be publishing […]

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