Archive for the “radio” Category

Stay tuned

March 27, 201222 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, radio, Uncategorized, writing

Seems like anytime an employer goes out of the way to thank you, you can bet on it: you’re being let go. Last week I got an email from WBEZ thanking me for the essays I’ve recorded for them over the years. The note went on to say WBEZ is reorganizing their local programming to […]

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This is your brain on music

January 12, 201246 CommentsPosted in radio, Uncategorized

I happened to catch Daniel Levitin (the author of This Is Your Brain on Music) on the Commonwealth Club on NPR a few weeks ago, and I was so intrigued by the interview that I went online to hear it again last night. This time I took notes! Dr Daniel Levitin is a cognitive psychologist […]

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A tribute to Eddie Finke

January 6, 201229 CommentsPosted in Flo, radio, Uncategorized

My dad died when I was three. I don’t really remember him — or even the evening he died. But my older brothers and sisters — who have kept his spirit alive for me over the years with stories about him — certainly do remember that night. Today I am especially grateful to my sister […]

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