Archive for the “Seeing Eye dogs” Category

I like Ike

October 25, 201317 CommentsPosted in guest blog, Seeing Eye dogs, Uncategorized

I met Ryan Hartigan While I was training with Whitney. Ryan is the Online Media Specialist at the Seeing Eye, and he interviewed Whitney and me along with a few other guide dog teams for a one-minute video to promote the school. Ryan and his wife Sarah volunteer as puppy raisers for the Seeing Eye, […]

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Real life is enough, don't you think?

July 28, 201315 CommentsPosted in blindness, guest blog, guide dogs, Mike Knezovich, Seeing Eye dogs, Uncategorized

Here’s a guest post from my husband Mike Knezovich: Beth’s in two distinct minorities: She’s blind. And she’s one of the minority of people who are blind who also use guide dogs. (I’m leaving out that other ultraminority she’s in — you know, the group of people who have had a benign tumor the size […]

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