Archive for the “Seeing Eye dogs” Category

Chicago Tribune and The Prairie Wind

January 1, 20085 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, guide dogs, Seeing Eye dogs, Uncategorized, Writing for Children

Safe & Sound ended 2007 right: our book was mentioned in the Chicago Tribune’s “For Young Readers” section on December 29: “Hanni and Beth: Safe & Sound By Beth Finke, illustrated by Anthony Alex LeTourneau Blue Marlin, $17.95 Ages 7-10 years Hanni, the author’s guide dog, is chosen to tell the story of their workday […]

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December 26, 20072 CommentsPosted in Seeing Eye dogs, Uncategorized

Question: “Over the past 78 years, This Morris County organization has matched over 14,000 specially bred and trained dogs as guides for persons who are blind or visually impaired.” Answer: “What is The Seeing Eye?” “Jeopardy! America’s Favorite Quiz Show®” (and, by the way, Beth Finke’s favorite TV quiz show) is featuring the Seeing Eye […]

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