Archive for the “teaching memoir” Category

This Just In: I’m Leading a Virtual Memoir Writing Workshop Series for Chicago Public Library

November 25, 20203 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, teaching memoir, technology for people who are blind, visiting libraries, writing prompts

here’s some happy news: the Chicago Public Library contacted me last month to see if I’d be willing to lead a three-part memoir-writing workshop on Zoom. Thanks in large part to writers in my ongoing memoir writing classes who encouraged – and continue to help – me feel comfortable using Zoom, I could, with confidence, […]

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Saturdays with Seniors: Regan’s Transition Team

November 21, 20205 CommentsPosted in book tour, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, politics, public speaking, radio, teaching memoir, writing prompts

I am pleased to feature author Regan Burke as our Saturdays withSeniors guest blogger today. News stories this month inspired me to assign “Transition Team” to her writing class this past week. “Focus on a significant change in your life,” I told them. “Who helped you through?” The long-awaited publication of Regan’s memoir In That […]

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Beth’s Personal Pandemic Playlist: 19 COVID-related Song Titles

November 11, 202020 CommentsPosted in blindness, careers/jobs for people who are blind, Mike Knezovich, Seeing Eye dogs, teaching memoir, technology for people who are blind

Trainers at the Seeing Eye school encourage us to talk to our dogs as they guide us. “Remind them you’re there,” they say. “It keeps them focused.” Since the pandemic hit, I’ve been taking one, and sometimes two, hour long walks with Luna every day. What happens when I run out of things to talk to […]

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Saturdays with Seniors: Feeling Fine with Marjorie

October 24, 20203 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, teaching memoir, travel, writing prompts

I am pleased to feature Marjorie Freed as our Saturdays with Seniors guest blogger today. Longtime Chicago residents might remember her as the owner of Nonpareil, one of the coolest shops on Clark Street back when Clark Street was full of very cool independently-owned stores. She and her husband Harvey collected outsider art and were […]

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Still Time to Sign Up Online for Regan’s Book Launch: Party Starts Today at 4 pm CT

October 20, 20203 CommentsPosted in guest blog, memoir writing, teaching memoir

If you’re reading this before 4:00 pm CT today, you’re in luck. You can still register for the free online launch for Regan Burke’s published memoir, “In That Number.” I’m reposting Regan’s own announcement from her Back Story Essays blog. The book launch is free, but you have to register first, and registration information is […]

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