Archive for the “technology for people who are blind” Category

My friend Nancy is good people, too

November 11, 20126 CommentsPosted in blindness, guest blog, technology for people who are blind, Uncategorized

Remember the post I wrote early last year about going to Steppenwolf Theatre for a special touch tour of the set of “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” I learned so much from that experience that I signed up for the touch tour of “Good People” at Steppenwolf last Sunday. My friend Nancy Beskin came along, and she generously offered to […]

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Help! I can't see the ballot!

November 6, 20129 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, blindness, technology for people who are blind, Uncategorized

I’ve researched the issues. I’ve studied the candidates. I’m ready to vote. Now I’m just hoping the talking voting machine works when Whitney leads me to my voting booth. The Help America Vote Act of 2002 requires voting systems to provide independent and private voting for all voters — including those of us with disabilities. […]

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One last thing before we leave for Denver

September 21, 201212 CommentsPosted in blindness, Braille, public speaking, technology for people who are blind, Uncategorized, visiting schools

Tomorrow morning Whitney and I head to Skokie for a “Mix ‘n Mingle” at National Louis University. Twenty children’s book authors have been invited to display our wares to school librarians who’ll be there, and before the mingling starts we each get one minute to stand by our table and give a summary of what […]

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