Archive for the “Uncategorized” Category

Too Much Light and a Once in a Lifetime accessible performance

May 14, 20164 CommentsPosted in blindness, technology for people who are blind, Uncategorized

This past week I attended two plays I would have never seen experienced otherwise. Let me explain. Chicago’s Victory Gardens Theater moved to its new location at Biograph Theater in 2006  (yes, the landmark building where gangster John Dillinger was ambushed). The refurbished building boasts an elevator, ramps, wide hallways, widened doorways. A perfect location […]

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Taking Uber with a guide dog: jury still out

May 12, 201611 CommentsPosted in blindness, guide dogs, Seeing Eye dogs, Uncategorized

In 2014 I had an op-ed piece published in the Chicago Tribune called “Should ride-sharing services adhere to the Americans with Disabilities Act?” Well, two years later, ride-sharing for people with disabilities — namely, those of us who use service dogs — is back in the news. Up to now Uber has not required drivers to allow […]

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Write about a celebrity's death that made you really sad

May 6, 201617 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, politics, radio, Uncategorized

Mike’s post last month about using Facebook to mourn for Prince motivated me to ask the writers in the memoir classes I lead to write about a celebrity’s death that made them really sad. “The celebrity can be an author, an artist, an athlete, a musician, an actor, an actress, a political figure, anyone who […]

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