Archive for the “visiting schools” Category

Marilee, She Rolls Along

August 19, 200912 CommentsPosted in blindness, book tour, Flo, Uncategorized, visiting schools

Vice President Joe Biden and Education Secretary Arne Duncan visited Jackson Middle School in Orlando this morning. Know why? Because Jackson is an outstanding school. And know why it’s an outstanding school? Because my sister Marilee works there. If you read this blog, you probably recognize Marilee’s name. She practically raised me, taking care of […]

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Martha Speaks, Hanni Listens

April 1, 200913 CommentsPosted in book tour, travel, Uncategorized, visiting libraries, visiting schools, Writing for Children

Is it March 31 already!? Seems like an April Fool’s joke! This sure has been a busy – and rewarding — month for Hanni and Beth: Safe & Sound. In one month, Hanni and I visited five elementary schools, two libraries, one health education center, one teacher education center, and appeared at one author-illustrator night. […]

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Sending Thank-You Notes to People (and dogs) Who Can't Read

November 28, 200815 CommentsPosted in blindness, book tour, Braille, Uncategorized, visiting schools

During school presentations, I show schoolkids how I read Braille. I tell them how I listen to books on tape. I explain how a talking computer works and describe the way I use a screen-reader to read email messages and check out newspaper articles online. The kids learn I can’t read print. So when teachers […]

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