Archive for the “visiting schools” Category

Questions Kids Ask: Are you going to be blind forever?

November 7, 20194 CommentsPosted in blindness, public speaking, questions kids ask, Seeing Eye dogs, visiting schools, Writing for Children

My Seeing Eye dog Whitney and I gave presentations to three more groups of third graders this past Tuesday. It’s Disability Awareness Week at Sherwood Elementary and Red Oak Elementary Schools in Highland Park, Illinois. An athlete who is blind had been at both schools the day before to give presentations, and the third graders […]

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Questions Kids Ask: How do you know what money you have?

October 26, 201912 CommentsPosted in blindness, Braille, careers/jobs for people who are blind, questions kids ask, visiting schools, Writing for Children

This past Tuesday my friend Jamie drove Whitney and me to the north suburbs of Chicago to visit four different groups of third graders there. We were in Deerfield as part of Educating Outside The Lines, a disability awareness program that uses a hands-on approach to help kids discover how things like wheelchairs, sign language, […]

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Questions Kids Ask: “Is your dog your pet and your employee, too?”

October 2, 201913 CommentsPosted in blindness, Braille, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guide dogs, questions kids ask, Seeing Eye dogs, technology for people who are blind, visiting schools, Writing for Children

Happy October! The school year is back in full swing, and yesterday morning my friend Jamie drove Seeing Eye dog Whitney and me to Deerfield, a suburb of Chicago, to talk with third graders at Kipling Elementary School. We were there as part of Educating Outside The Lines, a disability awareness program that uses a […]

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Get Your Memoir Off the Ground at Northwestern this Summer

June 26, 20195 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, teaching memoir, visiting schools, writing prompts

As writers in the memoir classes I lead master the art of writing about their lives, they find themselves with a new challenge: assembling finished stories into book form. Many of my students have met that challenge. Some collected their essays into self-published books for their families, a few worked with an online company called […]

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And Now for Something Completely Different: Questions from College Students

April 28, 20195 CommentsPosted in blindness, guide dogs, public speaking, questions kids ask, Seeing Eye dogs, technology for people who are blind, travel, visiting schools

Lucky us! In the past ten days Whitney the Seeing Eye dog and I have had the privilege of visiting nine different classrooms at five different elementary schools. Somehow, some way, we also managed to wedge a visit to a college classroom in the midst of all those visits to third-graders –last Tuesday we gave […]

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