Archive for the “Writing for Children” Category

Missing: 30 million words

March 18, 201214 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, blindness, Blogroll, Braille, travel, Uncategorized, visiting schools, Writing for Children

As a kid, spending three days with a bunch of schoolteachers would have sounded like the ultimate form of punishment. I guess wisdom really does come with age — when the Illinois Reading Council contacted me last Fall to see if I’d be interested in coming to their annual conference and spend time with thousands […]

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Puppy love

March 14, 201211 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, Braille, parenting a child with special needs, travel, Uncategorized, visiting schools, Writing for Children

On Monday morning Whitney and I caught a commuter train to Easter Seals DuPage and the Fox Valley Region to visit the Lily Garden Child Care Center, a preschool and child care program that mixes classes up with kids with and without disabilities. The center is working on a new project this year that features […]

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Generations united

January 30, 201210 CommentsPosted in Beth Finke, blindness, Braille, Mike Knezovich, Seeing Eye dogs, travel, Uncategorized, visiting schools, Writing for Children

Check this out: Mrs. Walsh’s first-graders made a book to thank me for visiting their school with Whitney last month. When the book arrived in the mail I knew right away who I’d enlist to read it out loud to me. A number of the seniors in the Wednesday memoir-writing class I lead are retired Chicago […]

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Practice makes perfect

January 2, 201217 CommentsPosted in book tour, Mike Knezovich, Seeing Eye dogs, travel, Uncategorized, visiting libraries, visiting schools, Writing for Children

Last month I published a post about two trips I took to New York City with Whitney during our training. Here’s an excerpt: I am happy to report that corrections don’t shake her confidence. “Oh, you meant for me to turn into Penn Station, Beth?” she seemed to say once. “Well, then, let’s back up […]

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