That's some of the Eastview kids, who all liked reading and learning about Hanni. Photo by Andi Butler, www.mrsbillustrations.com.
When I found out that three students at Eastview Elementary School were blind, I arranged to have Braille copies of Hanni and Beth: Safe & Sound sent there before our visit this week. I’d use one myself to show the kids at different grade levels what Braille looks like and how it works, and the other three copies would be given to Miguel, age 10, and Seth and Ethan, both age 8. I didn’t expect that these three little blind kids would be able to read the Braille books on their own, I just thought that if the other kids at Eastview might be getting books, these three should get a copy they might be able to read someday, too.
The Braille version of Hanni and Beth: Safe & Sound was produced in contracted Braille, a form of Braille I’ve never been able to master. Contracted Braille has a bunch of shorthand symbols (contractions) for commonly used words and parts of words: there’s a cell for the word “and,” another for the word “the,” and so on. Most of the letters of the alphabet are also used as shorthand for common words, such as “c” for “can” and “l” for “like.” Kind of like texting, only you can’t make as many mistakes!
When I met the vision teacher at Eastview, I apologized that my book was only available in contracted Braille. “No problem,” she said. “That’s the only Braille these guys read!” Sure enough, the little buggers were Braille experts.
Really, all the Eastview kids seemed to have a strong interest in reading. The school’s principal, Jim Zursin, emphasizes reading with all the students, and with the help of his staff and the PTO they are making sure reading doesn’t end when summer begins. Every child who participates in Eastview’s summer reading program and reaches their goal will march in the Founders Day Parade this summer, each star reader wearing a sandwich board with a drawing of the cover of his or her favorite book on the front. “There’ll be hundreds of books marching down the street,” Mr. Zursin exclaimed. You didn’t have to be able to see to know there were stars in his eyes, just thinking about it. Kids who read this summer will be invited to a community pool party, too, where Mr. Zursin promises to jump off the high dive – with his clothes on!

That's Miguel on the left and one of the twins in the center. Photo by Andi Butler, www.mrsbillustrations.com.
I’m pretty confident Seth, Ethan and Miguel will be marching in the parade. And swimming at that pool party, too. They love to read, and turns out they can write in contracted Braille, too. Seth, Ethan and Miguel each wrote a poem for me, and they had to work hard to hold back their laughter as I stumbled through some of the contractions when I tried reading their work out loud. They were happpy to help me through, and in the half hour the four of us were able to spend together in their vision resource room we became fast friends. Miguel showed me how his talking watch works, and Ethan and Seth, twin brothers, counted off their favorite rides at Disney World. We all laughed at how other kids find Space Mountain so scary. It’s in the dark” we said. Big deal.
The boys had lots of questions about Hanni, and I told them that in order to train with a Seeing Eye dog they’d have to learn good orientation and mobility (white cane) skills first. “Judging your location by what you hear, how the ground feels, which way the wind is blowing – you’ll need those skills when you get a Seeing Eye dog, too,” I told them. “Most guide dog schools won’t let you train with a dog until you know how to get around with a white cane first.” Later on one of their teachers expressed how glad she was that I’d said that. Apparently the boys haven’t been using their white canes as much as they should. “Now they’ll have an incentive.”
Before I left their room, each boy proudly presented me with a special collar he had made for Hanni. “We strung the beads ourselves,” Seth said, proud of their work. The collars were made of ribbon, and in addition to the beads, each ribbon had a big bell on it, too. “That’s so you’ll always know where Hanni is,” Miguel explained.
The three of them came up after the all-school assembly at the end of the day to say goodbye. When I reached out to shake Seth’s – or was it Ethan’s? – hand, I felt a rubber handle. He was using his white cane! Now I was even more confident he and Ethan and Miguel would be marching in the parade this summer. Marching alongside their book reading schoolmates, but marching independently, using their white canes.
Once home, I tied all three collars around Hanni’s neck. Hearing those joyful bells ring when Hanni prances around makes me think of our new friends at Eastview School. Music to my ears.