Posts Tagged “service dogs”

Mondays with Mike: Dog days

June 5, 202313 CommentsPosted in Mike Knezovich, Mondays with Mike

I would bet that if someone kept track, my Printers Row neighborhood has more dogs per capita than any place in Chicago—and probably beyond. Which is fine. I like dogs. I like people, too. Mostly. But here’s the thing. Because of Beth’s circumstances and by extension my circumstances, I have a different viewpoint than some. […]

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What Do I Do When All the Memoir-Writing Classes I Lead are on Break?

December 19, 202228 CommentsPosted in blindness, careers/jobs for people who are blind, technology for people who are blind, visiting schools, writing, Writing for Children

I sure have been busy lately. But really? who hasn’t been?! My busy-ness doesn’t have much to do with the holidays, though. I’ve been busy writing, and it’s making me feel good! Let me explain. After decades and decades of querying magazines about story ideas, pleading with agents to give my latest manuscript a read, […]

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Update on Whitney: Science, Art, Magic…and Patience

September 29, 201925 CommentsPosted in blindness, guide dogs, Mike Knezovich, Seeing Eye dogs, travel

Heads up to nearby friends and neighbors: if you see me walking around our Printers Row neighborhood with an invisible dog tomorrow, don’t call the authorities. I haven’t lost my marbles. Not yet. No need to worry about the stranger you’ll see holding the front of Whitney’s empty rectangular harness and leading me around, either. […]

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