Archive for the “memoir writing” Category

Senior Class: Lola has a dream

February 14, 20237 CommentsPosted in baseball, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, teaching memoir, Uncategorized, writing prompts

The “I have a Dream” prompt I assigned writers in my classes last month inspired them to write about dreams they have for the world, for their country, and for their loved ones. Some even wrote about recurring nightmares! The one that surprised me the most? This flattering essay by today’s guest blogger Lola Hotchkis. […]

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Senior Class: Wanda’s 1927 Christmas Story

December 25, 20229 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, writing

I came across drafts from my book “Writing Out Loud“ a week or two ago while searching for something else on my computer. I was delighted when notes about one of Wanda’s stories about a special Christmas popped up. In 1927, Wanda received a very special present from Santa. I knew right then I’d be sharing […]

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Senior Class: Bill’s Coming Out Party

October 23, 20228 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, teaching memoir

I am pleased to welcome Bill Gordon back as our Senior Class guest blogger today. Born and raised in Kansas, Bill lived all over the country during his 45-year career in library and association management. When he retired in 2002, he was the Executive Director of The American Library Association (located here in Chicago) and […]

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