Archive for the “memoir writing” Category

What traits do you share with your father?

June 20, 20187 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, guest blog, memoir writing, teaching memoir, travel, writing prompts

In honor of Father’s Day, I asked writers in my memoir classes to put together 500-word essays about the traits they share with their fathers. After reminding them that a trait is a particular talent, characteristic, quality, or tendency someone has, I gave some examples. “Do you and your father share a similar outlook on […]

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The Q&A is different when the audience is blind

May 27, 20186 CommentsPosted in blindness, book tour, Braille, careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, Mike Knezovich, public speaking, teaching memoir, technology for people who are blind, travel, visiting libraries, visiting schools, writing

The questions Robin Sitten and I got from our audience at the Perkins School for the Blind Thursday sure were thought-provoking. Here’s a sampling: Did you write your memoir Long Time, No See as therapy, or did you write it to share your journey with others? The people who sign up for your memoir classes, […]

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Myrna– and Henry’s — Legacy

May 21, 201817 CommentsPosted in careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, writing prompts

Ten years ago my downtown Chicago memoir-writing class got so full that the Department on Aging started a lottery. A retired college professor named Myrna had been attending that class for years, and when her name wasn’t chosen in the lottery, she approached an organization in her own Chicago neighborhood to encourage them to sponsor […]

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Likely the closest I’ll ever come to an online date — and it’s in front of an audience!

May 18, 20186 CommentsPosted in blindness, book tour, careers/jobs for people who are blind, memoir writing, public speaking, travel, visiting libraries, visiting schools

Mike, Whitney the Seeing Eye dog and I are heading to New England this week to meet the narrator who read the version of Writing Out Loud. Robin Sitten and I have corresponded via email, we follow each other on twitter, and of course I know her voice — I’ve listened to her sensational […]

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