Archive for the “Seeing Eye dogs” Category

"Author of" interviews . . . me!

December 11, 2013CommentsPosted in Blogroll, book tour, guest blog, Seeing Eye dogs, Uncategorized, Writing for Children

Kate Hannigan Issa’s The Good Fun! book and my Safe & Sound book were both illustrated by the talented Anthony Alex Letourneau and published by the fabulous Blue Marlin Publications. Kate lives in Chicago, too, and while waiting for Disney-Hyperion to publish her second book this May she squeezes in time to promote other authors on her “Author of” […]

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A day of magical thinking: Scenes of a school visit from Beth and Whitney

December 5, 201311 CommentsPosted in blindness, guest blog, public speaking, Seeing Eye dogs, Uncategorized, visiting schools

Last May my friend Lynn LaPlante Allaway, the principal violist with the Chicago Jazz Philharmonic, came to our apartment to perform a private concert to help me heal from open-heart surgery. Whitney and I tried to thank Lynn for her music therapy by visiting her kids at St. Petronille School, and gee whiz, now I have […]

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