Archive for the “visiting schools” Category

But they’re not allowed to bark

April 19, 20192 CommentsPosted in blindness, parenting a child with special needs, public speaking, questions kids ask, Seeing Eye dogs, visiting schools

I’ve written about Patty O’Machel here before. A writer, special needs advocate and the mother of a teenager who has cerebral palsy, Patty has started her own business to encourage other schools to use the disability awareness curriculum she developed years ago for her daughter’s elementary school. Educating Outside the Lines launched last year, and […]

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Does the picture on the cover look like me? Hard to know

March 29, 201918 CommentsPosted in blindness, book tour, Braille, guide dogs, questions kids ask, Seeing Eye dogs, travel, visiting schools, Writing for Children

A week ago today my sisters accompanied me to Peach Plains Elementary School in Grand Haven, Michigan—my Seeing Eye dog Whitney and I were giving a presentation to Brenda Wittkopp’s fourth-grade class there. Since Hanni and Beth: Safe & Sound is a picture book, some schools figure the older kids won’t be interested in what […]

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Benefits of Teaching Memoir: It Can Lead to Other Cool Opportunities, too

February 16, 201912 CommentsPosted in blindness, careers/jobs for people who are blind, guide dogs, questions kids ask, Seeing Eye dogs, visiting schools, Writing for Children

My Seeing Eye dog Whitney and I spent yesterday afternoon answering questions from third-graders who attend Goudy Elementary, a Public school in Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood. The third graders are part of a Friday “reading buddies” program at Admiral At the Lake, a retirement community where I lead weekly memoir-writing classes. Goudy is so close to […]

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Acting like a five-year-old

January 9, 201918 CommentsPosted in blindness, Mike Knezovich, Mondays with Mike, questions kids ask, Seeing Eye dogs, visiting schools

We’re back home in Chicago now, and the magnificent Mondays with Mike post Mike wrote about New Orleans sparked a lot of questions from friends here. What prompted the trip? Do you have family there? What is an herbsaint? Answer to that first question? Kismet. Our friends Steven and Nancy and their dog Doug are […]

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Mondays with Mike: You know you’re in New Orleans when…

January 7, 20192 CommentsPosted in Mike Knezovich, Mondays with Mike, travel, visiting schools

…You walk and walk and walk and the next morning your legs are really sore, as if you’d walked all that distance on sandy beach because the sidewalks are so addled with cracks and heaves and missing sections. …The classic New Orleans shotgun cottage your friends secured via VRBO in the Marigny neighborhood has been […]

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