Archive for the “Writing for Children” Category

A confession

January 19, 201410 CommentsPosted in blindness, guide dogs, questions kids ask, Seeing Eye dogs, Uncategorized, visiting schools, Writing for Children

The Kenilworth kindergartners squealed with delight when Whitney led me into their school wearing snow boots. “That‘s our special guest Mrs. Fink,” their teacher announced. “And that’s Hanni, the dog from the book, too!” We’d arrived late (our commuter train had been delayed in Chicago due to weather) and our opening assembly had to be […]

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"Author of" interviews . . . me!

December 11, 2013CommentsPosted in Blogroll, book tour, guest blog, Seeing Eye dogs, Uncategorized, Writing for Children

Kate Hannigan Issa’s The Good Fun! book and my Safe & Sound book were both illustrated by the talented Anthony Alex Letourneau and published by the fabulous Blue Marlin Publications. Kate lives in Chicago, too, and while waiting for Disney-Hyperion to publish her second book this May she squeezes in time to promote other authors on her “Author of” […]

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Go ahead and brag

November 9, 201310 CommentsPosted in blindness, book tour, Braille, parenting a child with special needs, public speaking, technology for people who are blind, travel, Uncategorized, visiting schools, Writing for Children

Remember my post about Vision Forward, the conference about educating kids who are blind? I signed more Braille copies of Hanni and Beth: Safe & Sound at that conference than print ones, and this thank-you note from the mom of a five-year-old boy I met there was so moving that I wrote her back to […]

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